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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Attitude of being critical!

"Faulty navigation to fulfill the wicked purpose of pulling someone down to avert ones own possession is an outcome of incessant insecurity and complexity."
Most of us find it difficult to acknowledge and compliment others. Complimenting others is one ever-cool attitude that any youth centric personality would possess. Instead, some tend to misguide them by wrong ideas and choices. The more wiser ones, will know what is suiting them and know to ignore the mockery gospels and such speeches. It's due to insecurity that people become grumpy when someone around them grew smarter and cooler than them. If you too belong to that arena, then this is for you. Because, You are then considered to be jealous once they trace out your sugar-lined fake words. The extremity lies in here -When you find someone successful,nourishing,and too much attractive, you may tend to speak ill about them; most sadly, the false information. Bad mouthing is such a dumb attitude. Those who are attractive maybe good or evil in accordance to you, but bad mouthing them will make you totally sick and disastrous. Let it even Be your devilish enemy, don't be critical on them. Try to straighten the grudge oozing between both of you, else walk away. Learn to Appreciate and compliment others so as to learn to be one among such attractive personas. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Clueless Communicator and Speck-less Listener!

It maybe obvious to find many people who differ in their actions and words. But such a sign of unscrupulous words to people, where they actually don't belong to is utter dumb in the part of communication. When you advice on something, make sure you too follow to that. When you support on something, make sure you practice it as a routine. When you are against it, make sure you don't seek it at any untainted gesture. Make your actions and words to reflect upon each other. Refraction, when you follow, marks a speck on your character. Listening as well important speaking right. True listening is important. It happens only when you drop those internal conversations in your mind and simply hear what they are saying to you. When you truly listen, you become instantly attractive for the speaker. By lending your ears to them, you make them feel that they are special and cared for in a powerful way. So, Be a masterful listener. When you don't like someone, don't dare to talk about them. It ruins your good quality of both listening and speaking. Because, your cursed words degrades your beautified speaking and those listeners will try deviating from their concentration on your words.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Truth series!

#5 Relationships doesn't come with any guarantee package!

"For peace of mind, resign as general manager of the universe."

Hell yeah! Being an authority for a simple organization is simple compared to this. When you start being taunting for the universe, your entire nerves oozes out stealthily. Such is the nature of flaws. You can find flaws in anything and everything. There are no guarantees for life. Relationships in a life is full of jabs, flaws, nibbles, ripples, and jamboree.  Nothing remains the same. Every cuticle has its own change. When you say you can resist change, it ultimately means that you are held up somewhere out in stale barn field, being failed to catch up with the trend. So, Appreciate it! Live along! Else you will be ruled out of life.
We never know what lies ahead. You can't really have control over any thing.
Human life is about development and evolution. Relationships are no way against or different to them. After all, you are not the same person as you were last week. Don't pretend as if everything is okay, when its not. Or gloss over problems in order to save your awry face. 

Truth series!

#4 People are as-is merchandise. Love them or leave them, Baby!!

"If the shoe doesn't fit  in, must we change the foot?"

Of course, it's irrelevant to cut off your foot. It's the same as this: you can only opt for what you need and not for others who want you to choose their needs. The real secret is people don't like changing themselves for others. Remember, what we resist persists. Do we go away unheeded of things that we come across, just because it's not appropriated to us? Instantly, the reply is -No. When you develop As-is the concept, the mindset to accept "as it is what you have" ,than to expect change in them can be discovered. Moreover, you must look at what exactly is that and see whether or not it would fit you right now. If it works, take it. If not, you must leave the crap and move on. You can very well suggest them for any change, but can't force them. Best way: Communicate straightly what ever is that you feel And leave it unheeded of your indulgence any further. Allow people to be who they actually are in order to allow yourself to show your actuality.

Truth series!

#3 Life is now- this is it!

"There are only 2 ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Is-ness is such an adorable concept when you activate it in your lifestyle. Build up inspirations tracing your character and its similarity is the wisest thing than to find inspiration in someone whom you can never adapt to. Carry yourself out in the work with the trend set changing with time. In fact, past is history, future is mystery and this moment is a gift.
That's why it's called the present. "This isn't it"- this mentality will pollute things all the way. This isn't my cup of tea, this isn't my piece of cake are the symptoms of begrudging yourself and pulling yourself down. Right now is all you have, You can't do a magic to change it. Life is now. Life can only be now!
Whether you like it or not, this is it. Appreciate yourself all the time for what you have earned so far.
"This is it attitude = massive irresistibility"

Truth series!

#2 Relationships are spiritual opportunities. Not a needs exchange!

"Relationship is one of the most powerful tools for growth"

Don't expect someone to fulfill your desires and wishes. That someone will always remain a "some one" and can never become your someone if there is too much of reliance. Relationships are spiritual opportunities for personal evolution.
Purpose of any relationship is to serve the mutual growth and soulful expression of each individual. Falling into it gradually and all the more doesn't mean you have been carried away to a new world of ecstasy. After All, it's just the imaginary fantasy.

Truth series!

#1 A relationship will not save you 

To wait for someone else, or to expect some one else to make life richer, or fuller, or more satisfying, will definitely put one in a constant state of suspension.This is exclusive for women. Many women believe that they become complete only at the cost of being dependent on someone. This maybe due to the cultural conditions That says --we are incomplete until we are married to someone. Don't ever fall to that rummaged track!. "You complete me" is just a false line before you create your own identity for yourself. Operating this idea will keep yourself unhappy and unhitched. Because, Ironically, quite the opposite is true.
Nothing outside can ever produce a lasting sense of completeness, security or success than your inner conscience. A relationship can never get rid of your emptiness, loneliness or fear. They aren't meaningful, tactful or logical.
So, Start living your life like you count. Like you matter, Like what you do each moment makes a difference in the world. Eliminate this absurdness. A Prince Charming will never come all the way and make your life better.