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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Creating our own Philosophy!

Entry to life’s significant part
Is indefinitely a many decade thought.

Thoughts are not the effervescent of creations;
But, the pavement of future provisions.

Student life is ever deemed for satisfying quenches
Fruitful living to fulfill presence makes happy trenches.

Animosity is an embodiment of waste;
Making it a feel of mellifluous to paste.

Words scattered can never be collected,
So your diction of words for its usage can be mightily selected.

Amassing mastery of thoughts will never go unused
But predicting, where you apply the same keeps you and your admirers amused.

Know where you stand! With whom you stand! And at what state you stand!

Keen relationships!

The place of temporal concerns is where we live in. The influence of divine power is the cause of many lives that is picturizing a World of reality and eternity. These lives have gradually developed the fetters between this world and the lives of people. Life of an individual is unique and is extinct from one another; yet we call ourselves with flavor of togetherness as –People. The flavor of it is magnanimous and so our lives have no impulse to exist from this livelihood. At every stage, a soul is in definite need of some relationship to hold on. It is because we have been habituated right from our protected shell of a Mother’s womb. A baby is very cosy to snuggle under the warmth of a mother unless and until he or she is convincingly exposed to the society. Catching our parents’ little finger with other hand siphoning in our mouth, we get amused for every little happenings. We then yearn for somebody to fill the space of our parents. The sprint of friendship is introduced there. Having experienced wide dialects of people with different connotations, aspirations, and inspirations and over all phenomenal attitudes, we are amassed with bountiful friends. Some become soul mates, few become just- mates and others are even engrossed with animosity at times. We are swimming in a pool expecting for it to reach the end point to raise our head out of the pool. It is where we are tested and justified. We are categorized as ignorant or taught ones based on our freight that we are stuffed with. Life of every single soul is scheduled in such a way that we have somebody to teach and guide us in every job we are up to. Life is stuporous when we shelter and develop our gifted relationships. Intellectuality lies in here when we strengthen or bond and nurture it for the wholesome of life. All these are perfectly natural and nothing is forcibly bonded. Right from motherhood or be it brotherhood or kith and kin relationship we have no job of deciding any relation. And it is sure that it budges well rather desiring for a person to bond with us. Every relationship has its own serenity and purity of love. After all, why do we go chase for a better half? expecting to be as good or even best than all other relationships that we were handling expertly  all these days. This new seeking has the nature to shatter all other beloved ones who were close to our heart. We become selfish with no intention at the cost of one being and lose our real characters of life.

             Self esteem is judged falsely, when we look for all luxuries and contentment through one door.